Double Take by Lynette Eason

Double Take by Lynette Eason was a winner-read for me.  Ms. Eason never fails to intrigue me and keep me reading far into the night.  Her novels are page-turners and keep the reader thoroughly engrossed in the story.

This book, in particular, kept me guessing to the very end.  Just when you think you have it all figured out and that the heroine is safe, something else happens to put everyone in jeopardy again. 

Physician Assistant Laine Jackson is eighteen months out from an attempted murder by her ex.  She had to kill him to survive.  Now someone is targeting her with deadly force which she thinks is retribution.  Did her ex really die?  Or is he perpetrating situations that could kill her?

Detective James Cross is with the police department after the Army’s CID unit gave him a medical discharge after an IED blew up and wounded him.  He and his buddy team up to try to keep Laine safe, but everything they do is somehow known by the stalker who continues to try to murder them both.  Excellent writing and strong characters make this book a keeper.

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